Prof Dr Dieter H Vogel


2021 (7)
2020 (6)
2019 (12)
2018 (13)
2017 (4)
2016 (11)
2015 (12)
2014 (8)
2013 (9)
2012 (7)
2011 (8)
2010 (8)
2009 (2)
2008 (5)
2007 (2)
2006 (5)
2005 (5)
2004 (1)
2003 (1)
2002 (3)
2001 (1)
2000 (2)
1998 (1)
1997 (1)

You could use our publication index for further requests.

2021 (7)

  • Baveye, P.C., Dominati, E., Grêt-Regamey, A., Vogel, H.-J., (2021):
    Editorial: Assessment and modelling of soil functions or soil-based ecosystem services: Theory and applications to practical problems
    Front. Environ. Sci. 9 , art. 797933
    full text (doi)
  • Eisenhauer, N., Buscot, F., Heintz-Buschart, A., Jurburg, S.D., Küsel, K., Sikorski, J., Vogel, H.-J., Guerra, C.A., (2021):
    The multidimensionality of soil macroecology
    Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 30 (1), 4 - 10
    full text (doi)
  • Lucas, M., Vetterlein, D., Vogel, H.-J., Schlüter, S., (2021):
    Revealing pore connectivity across scales and resolutions with X‐ray CT
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 72 (2), 546 - 560
    full text (doi)
  • Martín, M.A., San José Martínez, F., Giráldez, J.V., Pachepsky, Y., Vogel, H.-J., (2021):
    Editorial for the special issue on "Advances in soil scaling: Theories, techniques and applications"
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 72 (2), 491 - 494
    full text (doi)
  • Metreveli, G., Kurtz, S., Rosenfeldt, R.R., Seitz, F., Kumahor, S.K., Grün, A., Klitzke, S., Vogel, H.-J., Bundschuh, M., Baumann, T., Schulz, R., Manz, W., Lang, F., Schaumann, G.E., (2021):
    Distribution of engineered Ag nanoparticles in the aquatic-terrestrial transition zone: a long-term indoor floodplain mesocosm study
    Environ. Sci.-Nano 8 (6), 1771 - 1785
    full text (doi)
  • Rohe, L., Apelt, B., Vogel, H.-J., Well, R., Wu, G.-M., Schlüter, S., (2021):
    Denitrification in soil as a function of oxygen availability at the microscale
    Biogeosciences 18 (3), 1185 - 1201
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Balseiro-Romero, M., Kravchenko, A., Otten, W., Pot, V., Schlüter, S., Weller, U., Baveye, P.C., (2021):
    A holistic perspective on soil architecture is needed as a key to soil functions
    Eur. J. Soil Sci.
    full text (doi)
to index

2020 (6)

  • Degenkolb, L., Leuther, F., Lüderwald, S., Philippe, A., Metreveli, G., Amininejad, S., Vogel, H.-J., Kaupenjohann, M., Klitzke, S., (2020):
    The fate of silver nanoparticles in riverbank filtration systems — The role of biological components and flow velocity
    Sci. Total Environ. 699 , art. 134387
    full text (doi)
  • Groh, J., Vanderborght, J., Pütz, T., Vogel, H.-J., Gründling, R., Rupp, H., Rahmati, M., Sommer, M., Vereecken, H., Gerke, H.H., (2020):
    Responses of soil water storage and crop water use efficiency to changing climatic conditions: a lysimeter-based space-for-time approach
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24 (3), 1211 - 1225
    full text (doi)
  • König, S., Vogel, H.-J., Harms, H., Worrich, A., (2020):
    Physical, chemical and biological effects on soil bacterial dynamics in microscale models
    Front. Ecol. Evol. 8 , art. 53
    full text (doi)
  • Leuther, F., Köhne, M., Metreveli, G., Vogel, H.-J., (2020):
    Transport and retention of sulfidized silver nanoparticles in porous media: The role of air-water interfaces, flow velocity, and natural organic matter
    Water Resour. Res. 56 (9), e2020WR027074
    full text (doi)
  • Pöhlitz, J., Rücknagel, J., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Christen, O., (2020):
    Estimation of critical stress ranges to preserve soil functions for differently textured soils
    Soil Tillage Res. 200 , art. 104637
    full text (doi)
  • Techen, A.-K., Helming, K., Brüggemann, N., Veldkamp, E., Reinhold-Hurek, B., Lorenz, M., Bartke, S., Heinrich, U., Amelung, W., Augustin, K., Boy, J., Corre, M., Duttmann, R., Gebbers, R., Gentsch, N., Grosch, R., Guggenberger, G., Kern, J., Kiese, R., Kuhwald, M., Leinweber, P., Schloter, M., Wiesmeier, M., Winkelmann, T., Vogel, H.-J., (2020):
    Soil research challenges in response to emerging agricultural soil management practices
    In: Sparks, D.L., (ed.)
    Advances in Agronomy 161
    Elsevier, p. 179 - 240
    full text (doi)
to index

2019 (12)

  • Diel, J., Vogel, H.-J., Schlüter, S., (2019):
    Impact of wetting and drying cycles on soil structure dynamics
    Geoderma 345 , 63 - 71
    full text (doi)
  • Geistlinger, H., Ding, Y., Apelt, B., Schlüter, S., Küchler, M., Reuter, D., Vorhauer, N., Vogel, H.-J., (2019):
    Evaporation study based on micromodel experiments: Comparison of theory and experiment
    Water Resour. Res. 55 (8), 6653 - 6672
    full text (doi)
  • Lazik, D., Vetterlein, D., Kilian Salas, S., Sood, P., Apelt, B., Vogel, H.-J., (2019):
    New sensor technology for field-scale quantification of carbon dioxide in soil
    Vadose Zone J. 18 (1), art. 190007
    full text (doi)
  • Leuther, F., Schlüter, S., Wallach, R., Vogel, H.-J., (2019):
    Structure and hydraulic properties in soils under long-term irrigation with treated wastewater
    Geoderma 333 , 90 - 98
    full text (doi)
  • Lucas, M., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Vetterlein, D., (2019):
    Roots compact the surrounding soil depending on the structures they encounter
    Sci. Rep. 9 , art. 16236
    full text (doi)
  • Lucas, M., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Vetterlein, D., (2019):
    Soil structure formation along an agricultural chronosequence
    Geoderma 350 , 61 - 72
    full text (doi)
  • Pöhlitz, J., Rücknagel, J., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Christen, O., (2019):
    Computed tomography as an extension of classical methods in the analysis of soil compaction, exemplified on samples from two tillage treatments and at two moisture tensions
    Geoderma 346 , 52 - 62
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Zawallich, J., Vogel, H.-J., Dörsch, P., (2019):
    Physical constraints for respiration in microbial hotspots in soil and their importance for denitrification
    Biogeosciences 16 (18), 3665 - 3678
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., (2019):
    Scale issues in soil hydrology
    Vadose Zone J. 18 (1), art. 190001
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Eberhardt, E., Franko, U., Lang, B., Ließ, M., Weller, U., Wiesmeier, M., Wollschläger, U., (2019):
    Quantitative evaluation of soil functions: potential and state
    Front. Environ. Sci. 7 , art. 164
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Wollschläger, U., Helming, K., Heinrich, M., Willms, M., Wiesmeier, M., Russell, D., Franko, U., (2019):
    Assessment of soil functions affected by soil management
    In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C., (eds.)
    Atlas of ecosystem services : drivers, risks, and societal responses
    Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 77 - 82
    full text (doi)
  • Wiesmeier, M., Urbanski, L., Hobley, E., Lang, B., von Lützow, M., Marin-Spiotta, E., van Wesemael, B., Rabot, E., Ließ, M., Garcia-Franco, N., Wollschläger, U., Vogel, H.-J., Kögel-Knabner, I., (2019):
    Soil organic carbon storage as a key function of soils - A review of drivers and indicators at various scales
    Geoderma 333 , 149 - 162
    full text (doi)
to index

2018 (13)

  • Baveye, P.C., Otten, W., Kravchenko, A., Balseiro-Romero, M., Beckers, É., Chalhoub, M., Darnault, C., Eickhorst, T., Garnier, P., Hapca, S., Kiranyaz, S., Monga, O., Mueller, C.W., Nunan, N., Pot, V., Schlüter, S., Schmidt, H., Vogel, H.-J., (2018):
    Emergent properties of microbial activity in heterogeneous soil microenvironments: Different research approaches are slowly converging, yet major challenges remain
    Front. Microbiol. 9 , art. 1929
    full text (doi)
  • Degenkolb, L., Metreveli, G., Philippe, A., Brandt, A., Leopold, K., Zehlike, L., Vogel, H.-J., Schaumann, G.E., Baumann, T., Kaupenjohann, M., Lang, F., Kumahor, S., Klitzke, S., (2018):
    Retention and remobilization mechanisms of environmentally aged silver nanoparticles in an artificial riverbank filtration system
    Sci. Total Environ. 645 , 192 - 204
    full text (doi)
  • Helming, K., Daedlow, K., Paul, C., Techen, A.-K., Bartke, S., Bartkowski, B., Kaiser, D., Wollschläger, U., Vogel, H.-J., (2018):
    Managing soil functions for a sustainable bioeconomy—Assessment framework and state of the art
    Land Degrad. Dev. 29 (9), 3112 - 3126
    full text (doi)
  • Krueger, J., Heitkötter, J., Leue, M., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Marschner, B., Bachmann, J., (2018):
    Coupling of interfacial soil properties and bio‐hydrological processes: The flow cell concept
    Ecohydrology 11 (6), e2024
    full text (doi)
  • Lehmann, K., Schaefer, S., Babin, D., Köhne, J.M., Schlüter, S., Smalla, K., Vogel, H.-J., Totsche, K.U., (2018):
    Selective transport and retention of organic matter and bacteria shapes initial pedogenesis in artificial soil - A two-layer column study
    Geoderma 325 , 37 - 48
    full text (doi)
  • Leuther, F., Weller, U., Wallach, R., Vogel, H.-J., (2018):
    Quantitative analysis of wetting front instabilities in soil caused by treated waste water irrigation
    Geoderma 319 , 132 - 141
    full text (doi)
  • Pöhlitz, J., Rücknagel, J., Koblenz, B., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Christen, O., (2018):
    Computed tomography and soil physical measurements of compaction behaviour under strip tillage, mulch tillage and no tillage
    Soil Tillage Res. 175 , 205 - 216
    full text (doi)
  • Rabot, E., Wiesmeier, M., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2018):
    Soil structure as an indicator of soil functions: A review
    Geoderma 314 , 122 - 137
    full text (doi)
  • Ritschel, T., Schlüter, S., Köhne, J.M., Vogel, H.-J., Totsche, K.U., (2018):
    Efficient prediction of multidomain flow and transport in hierarchically structured porous media
    Water Resour. Res. 54 (11), 9033 - 9044
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Henjes, S., Zawallich, J., Bergaust, L., Horn, M.A., Ippsich, O., Vogel, H.-J., Dörsch, P., (2018):
    Denitrification in soil aggregate analogues-effect of aggregate size and oxygen diffusion
    Front. Environ. Sci. 6 , art. 17
    full text (doi)
  • Vetterlein, D., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2018):
    Roots out of sight, not out of mind
    Nature 554 (7693), 423
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Bartke, S., Daedlow, K., Helming, K., Kögel-Knabner, I., Lang, B., Rabot, E., Russell, D., Stößel, B., Weller, U., Wiesmeier, M., Wollschläger, U., (2018):
    A systemic approach for modeling soil functions
    Soil 4 (1), 83 - 92
    full text (doi)
  • Weller, U., Leuther, F., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2018):
    Quantitative analysis of water infiltration in soil cores using X-ray
    Vadose Zone J. 17 (1), art. 160136
    full text (doi)
to index

2017 (4)

  • Schlüter, S., Berg, T., Li, T., Vogel, H.-J., Wildenschild, D., (2017):
    Time scales of relaxation dynamics during transient conditions in two-phase flow
    Water Resour. Res. 53 (6), 4709 - 4724
    full text (doi)
  • Tzavaras, J., Köhne, M., Vogel, H.-J., (2017):
    From pore scale to continuum scale modeling of infiltration
    Adv. Water Resour. 103 , 108 - 118
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Bovet, J., Möckel, S., (2017):
    Nicht vermehrbar: wertvolle Ressource Boden unter Druck
    full text (url)
  • Wollschläger, U., Attinger, S., Borchardt, D., Brauns, M., Cuntz, M., Dietrich, P., Fleckenstein, J.H., Friese, K., Friesen, J., Harpke, A., Hildebrandt, A., Jäckel, G., Kamjunke, N., Knöller, K., Kögler, S., Kolditz, O., Krieg, R., Kumar, R., Lausch, A., Liess, M., Marx, A., Merz, R., Mueller, C., Musolff, A., Norf, H., Oswald, S.E., Rebmann, C., Reinstorf, F., Rode, M., Rink, K., Rinke, K., Samaniego, L., Vieweg, M., Vogel, H.-J., Weitere, M., Werban, U., Zink, M., Zacharias, S., (2017):
    The Bode hydrological observatory: a platform for integrated, interdisciplinary hydro-ecological research within the TERENO Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory
    Environ. Earth Sci. 76 (1), art. 29
    full text (doi)
to index

2016 (11)

  • Geistlinger, H., Ataei-Dadavi, I., Vogel, H.-J., (2016):
    Impact of surface roughness on capillary trapping using 2D-micromodel visualization experiments
    Transp. Porous Media 112 (1), 207 - 227
    full text (doi)
  • Hannes, M., Wollschläger, U., Wöhling, T., Vogel, H.-J., (2016):
    Revisiting hydraulic hysteresis based on long-term monitoring of hydraulic states in lysimeters
    Water Resour. Res. 52 (5), 3847 - 3865
    full text (doi)
  • Helming, K., Heinrich, U., Svoboda, N., Wollschläger, U., Vogel, H.-J., Bartke, S., Russell, D., (2016):
    Soil research data: interdisciplinary requirements for a national data management system
    In: Schmalzbauer, B., Visbeck, M., (eds.)
    2nd German Future Earth Summit – Conference Summary Report
    German Committee Future Earth, Stuttgart/Kiel, p. 50
    full text (url)
  • Kumahor, S.K., Hron, P., Metreveli, G., Schaumann, G.E., Klitzke, S., Lang, F., Vogel, H.-J., (2016):
    Transport of soil-aged silver nanoparticles in unsaturated sand
    J. Contam. Hydrol. 195 , 31 - 39
    full text (doi)
  • Naveed, M., Moldrup, P., Schaap, M.G., Tuller, M., Kulkarni, R., Vogel, H.-J., Wollesen de Jonge, L., (2016):
    Prediction of biopore- and matrix-dominated flow from X-ray CT-derived macropore network characteristics
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 20 (10), 4017 - 4030
    full text (doi)
  • Pütz, T., Kiese, R., Wollschläger, U., Groh, J., Rupp, H., Zacharias, S., Priesack, E., Gerke, H.H., Gasche, R., Bens, O., Borg, E., Baessler, C., Kaiser, K., Herbrich, M., Munch, J.-C., Sommer, M., Vogel, H.-J., Vanderborght, J., Vereecken, H., (2016):
    TERENO-SOILCan: a lysimeter-network in Germany observing soil processes and plant diversity influenced by climate change
    Environ. Earth Sci. 75 (18), art. 1242
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Berg, S., Rücker, M., Armstrong, R.T., Vogel, H.-J., Hilfer, R., Wildenschild, D., (2016):
    Pore-scale displacement mechanisms as a source of hysteresis for two-phase flow in porous media
    Water Resour. Res. 52 (3), 2194 - 2205
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Leuther, F., Vogler, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2016):
    X-ray microtomography analysis of soil structure deformation caused by centrifugation
    Solid Earth 7 , 129 - 140
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2016):
    Analysis of soil structure turnover with garnet particles and X-ray microtomography
    PLOS One 11 (7), e0159948
    full text (doi)
  • Vereecken, H., Schnepf, A., Hopmans, J.W., Javaux, M., Or, D., Roose, T., Vanderborght, J., Young, M.H., Amelung, W., Aitkenhead, M., Allison, S.D., Assouline, S., Baveye, P., Berli, M., Brüggemann, N., Finke, P., Flury, M., Gaiser, T., Govers, G., Ghezzehei, T., Hallett, P., Hendricks Franssen, H.J., Heppell, J., Horn, R., Huisman, J.A., Jacques, D., Jonard, F., Kollet, S., Lafolie, F., Lamorski, K., Leitner, D., McBratney, A., Minasny, B., Montzka, C., Nowak, W., Pachepsky, Y., Padarian, J., Romano, N., Roth, K., Rothfuss, Y., Rowe, E.C., Schwen, A., Šimůnek, J., Tiktak, A., van Dam, J., van der Zee, S.E.A.T.M., Vogel, H.J., Vrugt, J.A., Wöhling, T., Young, I.M., (2016):
    Modeling soil processes: review, key challenges, and new perspectives
    Vadose Zone J. 15 (5), 10.2136/vzj2015.09.0131
    full text (doi)
  • Wollschläger, U., Helming, K., Heinrich, U., Bartke, S., Kögel-Knabner, I., Russell, D., Eberhardt, E., Vogel, H.-J., (2016):
    The BonaRes Centre – a virtual institute for soil research in the context of a sustainable bio-economy
    EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria, 17-22 April 2016
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 18
    European Geosciences Union (EGU), p. EGU2016-9087
    full text (url)
to index

2015 (12)

  • Diamantopoulos, E., Durner, W., Iden, S.C., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Modeling dynamic non-equilibrium water flow observations under various boundary conditions
    J. Hydrol. 529 (Part 3), 1851 - 1858
    full text (doi)
  • Geistlinger, H., Ataei-Dadavi, I., Mohammadian, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    The impact of pore structure and surface roughness on capillary trapping for 2-D and 3-D porous media: comparison with percolation theory
    Water Resour. Res. 51 (11), 9094 - 9111
    full text (doi)
  • Hannes, M., Wollschläger, U., Schrader, F., Durner, W., Gebler, S., Pütz, T., Fank, J., von Unold, G., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    A comprehensive filtering scheme for high-resolution estimation of the water balance components from high-precision lysimeters
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 19 (8), 3405 - 3418
    full text (doi)
  • Kraushaar, S., Ollesch, G., Siebert, C., Vogel, H.-J., Fuchs, M., (2015):
    Long-term sediment export estimates from northern Jordan using Roman cisterns as sediment traps
    Geoarchaeology 30 (4), 369 - 378
    full text (doi)
  • Kraushaar, S., Schumann, T., Ollesch, G., Schubert, M., Vogel, H.-J., Siebert, C., (2015):
    Sediment fingerprinting in northern Jordan: element-specific correction factors in a carbonatic setting
    J. Soils Sediments 15 (19), 2155 - 2173
    full text (doi)
  • Kumahor, S.K., de Rooij, G.H., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Water flow and solute transport in unsaturated sand — a comprehensive experimental approach
    Vadose Zone J. 14 (2), 10.2136/vzj2014.08.0105
    full text (doi)
  • Kumahor, S.K., Hron, P., Metreveli, G., Schaumann, G.E., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Transport of citrate-coated silver nanoparticles in unsaturated sand
    Sci. Total Environ. 535 , 113 - 121
    full text (doi)
  • Lin, H., Vogel, H.-J., Phillips, J., Fath, B.D., (2015):
    Complexity of soils and hydrology in ecosystems
    Ecol. Model. 298 , 1 - 3
    full text (doi)
  • Mohammadian, S., Geistlinger, H., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Quantification of gas-phase trapping within the capillary fringe using computed microtomography
    Vadose Zone J. 14 (5), 10.2136/vzj2014.06.0063
    full text (doi)
  • Schaumann, G.E., Baumann, T., Lang, F., Metreveli, G., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Engineered nanoparticles in soils and waters - Foreword
    Sci. Total Environ. 535 , 1 - 2
    full text (doi)
  • Schaumann, G.E., Philippe, A., Bundschuh, M., Metreveli, G., Klitzke, S., Rakcheev, D., Grün, A., Kumahor, S.K., Kühn, M., Baumann, T., Lang, F., Manz, W., Schulz, R., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Understanding the fate and biological effects of Ag- and TiO2-nanoparticles in the environment: The quest for advanced analytics and interdisciplinary concepts
    Sci. Total Environ. 535 , 3 - 19
    full text (doi)
  • Winter, J., Ippisch, O., Vogel, H.-J., (2015):
    Dynamic processes in capillary fringes
    Vadose Zone J. 14 (5), 10.2136/vzj2015.04.0059
    full text (doi)
to index

2014 (8)

  • Geistlinger, H., Mohammadian, S., Schlueter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2014):
    Quantification of capillary trapping of gas clusters using X-ray microtomography
    Water Resour. Res. 50 (5), 4514 - 4529
    full text (doi)
  • Khademalrasoul, A., Naveed, M., Heckrath, G., Kumari, K.G.I.D., de Jonge, L.W., Elsgaard, L., Vogel, H.-J., Iversen, B.V., (2014):
    Biochar effects on soil aggregate properties under no-till maize
    Soil Sci. 179 (6), 273 - 283
    full text (doi)
  • Koebernick, N., Weller, U., Huber, K., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Jahn, R., Vereecken, H., Vetterlein, D., (2014):
    In situ visualization and quantification of three-dimensional root system architecture and growth using X-ray computed tomography
    Vadose Zone J. 13 (8), 10.2136/vzj2014.03.0024
    full text (doi)
  • Kraushaar, S., Herrmann, N., Ollesch, G., Vogel, H.-J., Siebert, C., (2014):
    Mound measurements — quantifying medium-term soil erosion under olive trees in Northern Jordan
    Geomorphology 213 , 1 - 12
    full text (doi)
  • Kraushaar, S., Schumann, T., Ollesch, G., Siebert, C., Vogel, H.-J., (2014):
    Sediment fingerprinting in Northern Jordan - approaching sediment comparability
    EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna, Austria, 27 April–02 May 2014
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 16
    European Geosciences Union (EGU), p. EGU2014-841-1
  • Naveed, M., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., Holmstrup, M., Nicolaisen, M., Tuller, M., Herath, L., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., Vogel, H.-J., de Jonge, L.W., (2014):
    Simultaneous loss of soil biodiversity and functions along a copper contamination gradient: When soil goes to sleep
    Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 78 (4), 1239 - 1250
    full text (doi)
  • Naveed, M., Moldrup, P., Vogel, H.-J., Lamandé, M., Wildenschild, D., Tuller, M., de Jonge, L.W., (2014):
    Impact of long-term fertilization practice on soil structure evolution
    Geoderma 217-218 , 181 - 189
    full text (doi)
  • Wollschläger, U., Grau, T., Martini, E., Neubauer, M., Schmidt, A., Schrön, M., Schröter, I., Dietrich, P., Fleckenstein, J.H., Lausch, A., Musolff, A., Paasche, H., Reinstorf, F., Vogel, H.-J., Werban, U., Zacharias, S., (2014):
    Revealing principles of hydrological response – the Schaefertal approach
    Proceedings of the 2014 AGU Chapman Conference on Catchment Spatial Organization and Complex Behavior, Luxembourg, 23-26. September, 2014
    p. 1 - 3
to index

2013 (9)

  • Carminati, A., Vetterlein, D., Koebernick, N., Blaser, S., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., (2013):
    Do roots mind the gap?
    Plant Soil 367 (1-2), 651 - 661
    full text (doi)
  • Grathwohl, P., Rügner, H., Wöhling, T., Osenbrück, K., Schwientek, M., Gayler, S., Wollschläger, U., Selle, B., Pause, M., Delfs, J.-O., Grzeschik, M., Weller, U., Ivanov, M., Cirpka, O.A., Maier, U., Kuch, B., Nowak, W., Wulfmeyer, V., Warrach-Sagi, K., Streck, T., Attinger, S., Bilke, L., Dietrich, P., Fleckenstein, J.H., Kalbacher, T., Kolditz, O., Rink, K., Samaniego, L., Vogel, H.-J., Werban, U., Teutsch, G., (2013):
    Catchments as reactors: a comprehensive approach for water fluxes and solute turnover
    Environ. Earth Sci. 69 (2), 317 - 333
    full text (doi)
  • Kraushaar, S., Ollesch, G., Siebert, C., Vogel, H.-J., (2013):
    Olive mounds, Roman cisterns, erosion pins - potential to characterize erosion in a Mediterranean catchment in north Jordan
    EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07–12 April 2013
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 15
    European Geosciences Union (EGU), p. EGU2013-11187
  • Kraushaar, S., Schumann, T., Wilkinson, S., Ollesch, G., Siebert, C., Vogel, H.-J., (2013):
    Measurements, fingerprint, modeling - Compiling a sediment budget in a data scarce catchment in NW Jordan
    EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 07–12 April 2013
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 15
    European Geosciences Union (EGU), p. EGU2013-11998
  • Kraushaar, S., Wilkinson, S., Ollesch, G., Siebert, C., Vogel, H.-J., (2013):
    Understanding erosion better in a data scarce catchment in NW Jordan - A multiple response approach
    Proceedings 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, Paris 2013
    p. 482 - 482
  • Naveed, M., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., Wildenschild, D., Eden, M., Lamandé, M., Vogel, H.-J., de Jonge, L.W., (2013):
    Revealing soil structure and functional macroporosity along a clay gradient using x-ray computed tomography
    Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 77 (2), 403 - 411
    full text (doi)
  • Schelle, H., Durner, W., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Vanderborght, J., (2013):
    Virtual soils: moisture measurements and their interpretation by inverse modeling
    Vadose Zone J. 12 (3), 10.2136/vzj2012.0168
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Ippisch, O., Vanderborght, J., (2013):
    Combined impact of soil heterogeneity and vegetation type on the annual water balance at the field scale
    Vadose Zone J. 12 (4), 10.2136/vzj2013.03.0053
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Clothier, B., Li, X.-Y., Lin, H.S., (2013):
    Hydropedology—a perspective on current research
    Vadose Zone J. 12 (4), 10.2136/vzj2013.09.0161
    full text (doi)
to index

2012 (7)

  • Eden, M., Moldrup, P., Schjønning, P., Vogel, H.-J., Scow, K.M., de Jonge, L.W., (2012):
    Linking soil physical parameters along a density gradient in a loess-soil long-term experiment
    Soil Sci. 177 (1), 1 - 11
    full text (doi)
  • Lehmann, P., Neuweiler, I., Vanderborght, J., Vogel, H.-J., (2012):
    Dynamics of fluid interfaces and flow and transport across material interfaces in porous media — modeling and observations
    Vadose Zone J. 11 (3), 10.2136/vzj2012.0105
    full text (doi)
  • Moradi, A.B., Carminati, A., Lamparter, A., Woche, S.K., Bachmann, J., Vetterlein, D., Vogel, H.-J., Oswald, S.E., (2012):
    Is the rhizosphere temporarily water repellent?
    Vadose Zone J. 11 (3), 10.2136/vzj2011.0120
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Vanderborght, J., Vogel, H.-J., (2012):
    Hydraulic non-equilibrium during infiltration induced by structural connectivity
    Adv. Water Resour. 44 , 101 - 112
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., Ippisch, O., Bastian, P., Roth, K., Schelle, H., Durner, W., Kasteel, R., Vanderborght, J., (2012):
    Virtual soils: assessment of the effects of soil structure on the hydraulic behavior of cultivated soils
    Vadose Zone J. 11 (4), 10.2136/vzj2011.0174
    full text (doi)
  • Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., (2012):
    Conductivity and hydraulic nonequilibrium across drainage and infiltration fronts
    Vadose Zone J. 11 (3), 10.2136/vzj2011.0134
    full text (doi)
  • Zarebanadkouki, M., Kim, Y.X., Moradi, A.B., Vogel, H.-J., Kaestner, A., Carminati, A., (2012):
    Quantification and modeling of local root water uptake using neutron radiography and deuterated water
    Vadose Zone J. 11 (3), 10.2136/vzj2011.0196
    full text (doi)
to index

2011 (8)

  • Carminati, A., Schneider, C.L., Moradi, A.B., Zarebanadkouki, M., Vetterlein, D., Vogel, H.-J., Hildebrandt, A., Weller, U., Schüler, L., Oswald, S.E., (2011):
    How the rhizosphere may favor water availability to roots
    Vadose Zone J. 10 (3), 988 - 998
    full text (doi)
  • Köhne, J.M., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2011):
    Predicting solute transport in structured soil using pore network models
    Vadose Zone J. 10 (3), 1082 - 1096
    full text (doi)
  • Lazik, D., Ebert, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2011):
    New sensor approach for separating CO2–sources in subsurface monitoring
    EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, 03–08 April 2011
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 13
    European Geosciences Union (EGU), p. EGU2011-8693-1
    full text (url)
  • Moradi, A.B., Carminati, A., Vetterlein, D., Vontobel, P., Lehmann, E., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., Oswald, S.E., (2011):
    Three-dimensional visualization and quantification of water content in the rhizosphere
    New Phytol. 192 (3), 653 - 663
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J., (2011):
    On the reconstruction of structural and functional properties in random heterogeneous media
    Adv. Water Resour. 34 (2), 314 - 325
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., (2011):
    Soil-structure development including seasonal dynamics in a long-term fertilization experiment
    J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 174 (3), 395 - 403
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., (2011):
    Wasser und Boden
    UFZ-Experten in Sachen Wasser
    November 2011
    Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, S. 20 - 23
    full text (url)
  • Weller, U., Ippisch, O., Köhne, M., Vogel, H.-J., (2011):
    Direct measurement of unsaturated conductivity including hydraulic nonequilibrium and hysteresis
    Vadose Zone J. 10 (2), 654 - 661
    full text (doi)
to index

2010 (8)

  • Carminati, A., Moradi, A.B., Vetterlein, D., Vontobel, P., Lehmann, E., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., Oswald, S.E., (2010):
    Dynamics of soil water content in the rhizosphere
    Plant Soil 332 (1-2), 163 - 176
    full text (doi)
  • Lazik, D., Krauss, G., Geistlinger, H., Vogel, H.-J., (2010):
    Time series analyses of gas-bubble residence time in porous media
    EGU General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 02–07 May 2010
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 12
    European Geosciences Union (EGU), p. EGU2010-15261
  • Lin, H., Flühler, H., Otten, W., Vogel, H.-J., (2010):
    Soil architecture and preferential flow across scales. Editorial
    J. Hydrol. 393 (1-2), 1 - 2
    full text (doi)
  • Lin, H., Vogel, H.-J., Seibert, J., (2010):
    Preface "Towards holistic studies of the Earth's Critical Zone: hydropedology perspectives"
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 14 (3), 479 - 480
    full text (doi)
  • Schlüter, S., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., (2010):
    Segmentation of X-ray microtomography images of soil using gradient masks
    Comput. Geosci. 36 (10), 1246 - 1251
    full text (doi)
  • Totsche, K.U., Rennert, T., Gerzabek, M.H., Kögel-Knabner, I., Smalla, K., Spiteller, M., Vogel, H.-J., (2010):
    Biogeochemical interfaces in soil: the interdisciplinary challenge for soil science
    J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 173 (1), 88 - 99
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Weller, U., Ippisch, O., (2010):
    Non-equilibrium in soil hydraulic modelling
    J. Hydrol. 393 (1-2), 20 - 28
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Weller, U., Schlüter, S., (2010):
    Quantification of soil structure based on Minkowski functions
    Comput. Geosci. 36 (10), 1236 - 1245
    full text (doi)
to index

2009 (2)

  • Carminati, A., Vetterlein, D., Weller, U., Vogel, H.-J., Oswald, S.E., (2009):
    When roots lose contact
    Vadose Zone J. 8 (2), 805 - 809
    full text (doi)
  • Geistlinger, H., Lazik, D., Krauss, G., Vogel, H.-J., (2009):
    Pore-scale and continuum modeling of gas flow pattern obtained by high-resolution optical bench-scale experiments
    Water Resour. Res. 45 (4), W04423
    full text (doi)
to index

2008 (5)

  • Lazik, D., Krauss, G., Geistlinger, H., Vogel, H.-J., (2008):
    Multi-scale optical analyses of dynamic gas saturation during air sparging into glass beads
    Transp. Porous Media 74 (1), 87 - 104
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Ippisch, O., (2008):
    Estimation of a critical spatial discretization limit for solving Richards' Equation at large scales
    Vadose Zone J. 7 (1), 112 - 114
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Samouëlian, A., Ippisch, O., (2008):
    Multi-step and two-step experiments in heterogeneous porous media to evaluate the relevance of dynamic effects
    Adv. Water Resour. 31 (1), 181 - 188
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Samouëlian, A., Ippisch, O., (2008):
    Reprint of "Multi-step and two-step experiments in heterogeneous porous media to evaluate the relevance of dynamic effects"
    Adv. Water Resour. 31 (9), I - VIII
    full text (doi)
  • Zacharias, S., Dietrich, P., Vogel, H.-J., Seppelt, R., Borchardt, D., Klotz, S., Messner, F., Teutsch, G., (2008):
    TERENO - Methodical approach for the implementation of a terrestrial observatory for environmental research in Central Germany. Theme B: Functions & values of soil-water systems; understanding of proccesses
    ConSoil 2008 : 10th International UFZ-Deltares/TNO Conference on Soil-Water Systems in cooperation with Provincia di Milano, 3-6 June 2008 Milani, Italy ; proceedings
    Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, p. 85 - 89
to index

2007 (2)

  • Neuweiler, I., Vogel, H.-J., (2007):
    Upscaling for unsaturated flow for non-Gaussian heterogeneous porous media
    Water Resour. Res. 43 (3), W03443
    full text (doi)
  • Samouëlian, A., Vogel, H.-J., Ippisch, O., (2007):
    Upscaling hydraulic conductivity based on the topology of the sub-scale structure
    Adv. Water Resour. 30 (5), 1179 - 1189
    full text (doi)
to index

2006 (5)

  • Ippisch, O., Vogel, H.-J., Bastian, P., (2006):
    Validity limits for the van Genuchten-Mualem model and implications for parameter estimation and numerical simulation
    Adv. Water Resour. 29 (12), 1780 - 1789
    full text (doi)
  • Lin, H., Bouma, J., Pachepsky, Y., Western, A., Thompson, J., van Genuchten, R., Vogel, H.-J., Lilly, A., (2006):
    Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology
    Water Resour. Res. 42 (5), W053101
    full text (doi)
  • Schulz, K., Seppelt, R., Zehe, E., Vogel, H.-J., Attinger, S., (2006):
    Importance of spatial structures in advancing hydrological sciences
    Water Resour. Res. 42 (3), W03S03
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Babel, U., (2006):
    Soil space diversity and its dynamics: qualitative and quantitative considerations
    In: Benckiser, G., Schnell, S., (eds.)
    Biodiversity in agricultural production systems
    Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment 115
    CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p. 41 - 67
  • Vogel, H.-J., Cousin, I., Ippisch, O., Bastian, P., (2006):
    The dominant role of structure for solute transport in soil: experimental evidence and modelling of structure and transport in a field experiment
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 10 (4), 495 - 506
    full text (doi)
to index

2005 (5)

  • Bayer, A., Vogel, H.-J., Ippisch, O., Roth, K., (2005):
    Do effective properties for unsaturated weakly layered porous media exist? An experimental study
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 9 (5), 517 - 522
    full text (doi)
  • Roth, K., Boike, J., Vogel, H.-J., (2005):
    Quantifying permafrost patterns using Minkowski densities
    Permafrost Periglacial Process. 16 (3), 277 - 290
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Hoffmann, H., Leopold, A., Roth, K., (2005):
    Studies of crack dynamics in clay soil. II. A physically based model for crack formation
    Geoderma 125 (3-4), 213 - 223
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Hoffmann, H., Roth, K., (2005):
    Studies of crack dynamics in clay soil. I. Experimental methods, results, and morphological quantification
    Geoderma 125 (3-4), 203 - 211
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Tölke, J., Schulz, V.P., Krafczyk, M., Roth, K., (2005):
    Comparison of a Lattice-Boltzmann model, a full-morphology model, and a pore network model for determining capillary pressure-saturation relationships
    Vadose Zone J. 4 (2), 380 - 388
    full text (doi)
to index

2004 (1)

  • Bayer, A., Vogel, H.-J., Roth, K., (2004):
    Direct measurement of the soil water retention curve using X-ray absorption
    Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 8 (1), 2 - 7
    full text (doi)
to index

2003 (1)

  • Vogel, H.-J., Roth, K., (2003):
    Moving through scales of flow and transport in soil
    J. Hydrol. 272 (1-4), 95 - 106
    full text (doi)
to index

2002 (3)

  • Kasteel, R., Vogel, H.-J., Roth, K., (2002):
    Effect of non-linear adsorption on the transport behaviour of Brilliant Blue in a field soil
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 53 (2), 231 - 240
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., Cousin, I., Roth, K., (2002):
    Quantification of pore structure and gas diffusion as a function of scale
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 53 (3), 465 - 473
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.-J., (2002):
    Topological characterization of porous media
    In: Mecke, K., Stoyan, D., (eds.)
    Morphology of condensed matter. Physics and geometry of spatially complex systems
    Lecture Notes in Physics 600
    Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, p. 75 - 92
to index

2001 (1)

  • Vogel, H.-J., Roth, K., (2001):
    Quantitative morphology and network representation of soil pore structure
    Adv. Water Resour. 24 (3-4), 233 - 242
    full text (doi)
to index

2000 (2)

  • Kasteel, R., Vogel, H.-J., Roth, K., (2000):
    From local hydraulic properties to effective transport in soil
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 51 (1), 81 - 91
    full text (doi)
  • Vogel, H.J., (2000):
    A numerical experiment on pore size, pore connectivity, water retention, permeability, and solute transport using network models
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 51 (1), 99 - 105
    full text (doi)
to index

1998 (1)

  • Vogel, H.-J., Roth, K., (1998):
    A new approach for determining effective soil hydraulic functions
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 49 (4), 547 - 556
    full text (doi)
to index

1997 (1)

  • Vogel, H.-J., (1997):
    Morphological determination of pore connectivity as a function of pore size using serial sections
    Eur. J. Soil Sci. 48 (3), 365 - 377
    full text (doi)
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Prof Dr Dieter H Vogel


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